Protecting Your Kids from the Hot Georgia Sun

Sunlight can be extremely harmful to your children. Not only are sunlight's UV rays responsible for sunburns and even skin cancer-something that can happen at a very young age-but kids also can develop heat exhaustion due to the sun's oppressive heat.

Mother applying sunscreen to her daughter on an Atlanta beach

These facts can be scary to parents. How do you allow your children to engage in an active lifestyle without putting them in danger? Just follow these helpful tips. Here are some recommendations on keeping your kids safe from Georgia's hot sun.

Apply Sunscreen

The best way to protect your kids from sunlight is obviously with sunscreen. Do your research to find a broad-spectrum product that has an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply it every 2 hours. While the Food and Drug Administration recommends a minimum SPF of 15, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends an SPF of at least 30. Find a waterproof sunscreen if your children will be swimming or playing in a wet environment such as a water park.

Cover Up

Keep your kids' skin covered with long-sleeved shirts and long pants. They should wear hats and sunglasses when possible too. However, you'll need to remind your kids to rest from outdoor play periodically. While protective clothing keeps your children's skin safe from damaging UV rays, all of this coverage can make them feel very hot.

Look for Signs of Overheating

Children may not recognize the signs of overheating. Children can easily become dizzy, sweaty, and hyperventilate when exposed to enough hot sunlight. Keep an eye on your children as they play outdoors and give them plenty of rest and water. If they appear to have slower, more erratic movements or stumble, they may be overheating. Take them to a shaded area to rest immediately.

Stay in the Shade

Provide shade for your children as they play. Set up a tarp, umbrella, or canvas tent for them to play under. Or, if you want your kids to get fresh air but want to keep them safe from sunburns and other consequences, let them play on a covered patio or deck. They can have plenty of outdoor fun in the shade.

Beach umbrella

Find Indoor Activities

Balance outdoor activities with indoor ones. If your air conditioner is in good working order, you can create a cool, less humid environment to play. Give your kids space to play actively and remove any hard furniture or other objects on which they can hurt themselves. Do indoor activities for families, such as cooking together or playing board games, to keep them safe from sunlight.

Keep Your House Cool

The best way to protect your family from sun damage is to enjoy the indoors. But unless you have a healthy air-conditioning system, this might be difficult. Contact a central air installation company, if you don't currently have one, and upgrade your thermostat to a programmable electronic unit, which gives you control over your temperature needs.

If your air conditioner isn't doing the job, or if you suspect that something may be wrong with it, hire an air conditioning repair service right away. Your family needs a cool, comfortable environment to stay safe from hot Georgia sunlight. Call Shumate Mechanical today for reliable, comfortable air-conditioning today.

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