Four Easy Habits to Start Saving On Your Power Bill

Four Easy Habits to Start Saving On Your Power Bill

Have you noticed your utility bills creeping higher and higher with each passing month? Are areas of your home colder in winter and warmer in summer? These are both signs that something isn't quite right with your home's energy efficiency, but don't worry—you can fix it! Here are four ways you can start saving on your power bill, just in time for warmer temperatures.

Check Your Doors and Windows

Your windows and doors might appear to be in great shape, but they still might not be contributing to better energy efficiency for your home. Have you felt a draft in these colder months? Check the seals around your doors and windows for any gaps, cracks, or missing pieces of seal. Other signs that air is leaking outside are if your windows or doors are hard to open, or they don't shut or lock all the way,

If your home is 25 years old or more, it's likely time for new windows. Opt to replace your windows with more energy-efficient versions with double or triple panes. More glass will result in less air being able to travel in and out of your house…which also means less money leaving your house via your utility bill, too!

Adjust Your Indoor Temperature Seasonally

In Georgia summers, there is no better feeling than coming in from the smothering heat and enjoying the cool embrace of air conditioning. Even though it feels great, there isn't any reason to hold your home's temperature at a constant number throughout the day. Adjusting the indoor temperature by 10-15 degrees throughout the day can still keep the interior of your home comfortable while also giving your HVAC unit (and your power bill) a bit of a breather throughout the day. If you haven't made the jump to a smart thermostat, maybe this is the year! Smart thermostats will constantly monitor your home temperature, as well as your activity and presence within the house, and create a custom cooling schedule that will keep everyone comfortable.

Inspect Your Appliances

We mentioned your doors and windows leaking air earlier, but did you know that your appliances could also be battling leaky seals? If you've noticed your refrigerator compressor running more frequently, or gotten extra warm in the kitchen while using the oven, you may need to replace the seals on your appliances. If you're shopping for all-new appliances, it's worth it to go with the more energy-efficient models. They will run better, help you reduce your water and power bills, and will likely last longer. A win-win-win!

Have an Energy Audit Done

Did you know that many utility companies will perform an energy audit on your home for you? These inspections will sweep through your entire home and assess how energy is being used in every room. If you're an avid DIYer, you can use this video checklist to go through your home yourself. Remember, our electrician contractors can even provide light fixture replacement for swapping out more efficient units. If you'd rather have a professional assessment done, reach out to your power company.

Shumate's Home Comfort Experts can also inspect your home's energy needs and usage and come up with a plan to help keep more money in your wallet while staying at your optimal comfort level. Call us now at 678-SHUMATE or schedule online.

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